As anarchists, we support the abolition of all unjustified hierarchies.
However, as Stalinists, we believe that dictatorial rule
by a strong leader such as Joseph Stalin
is a well-justified hierarchy.
We are pro abortion,
meaning that we want to increase the number of abortions that occur.
However, we are not pro-choice.
We believe that it should be the sole discretion of a woman's physician
whether she should or should not receive an abortion.
All physicians will be required
to perform a certain number of abortions per year
except those with a religious objection,
who will have to perform twice that number.
Rather than pure capitalism or socialism,
we advocate a mixed economy,
in which all businesses would be run by The State,
but all the profits would go to private capitalists.
All taxes will be directly proportional to one's rent.
Those who own their home will not have to pay any taxes.
Therefore, to maximize revenue,
the state will discourage home-ownership through propaganda.
Foreign Policy
To prevent war between the U.S. and China,
we support arranged marriages between American and Chinese young people
on a massive scale.
We will resume the war in Vietnam.
We plan to obtain congressional funding
for a wall across the Northern Border.
We believe that a person's restroom access should be based on their genitals.
Therefore, we will ensure that a Penis Inspector
is stationed at every restroom in the country.
Gender-neutral restrooms will be abolished,
including in private dwellings.
We plan to require all schools and athletic organizations
to allocate equal funding for male, female, and transgendered athletic programs.
Only transgender women and girls (MtF) will be allowed to compete in the transgendered section.
Trans men (FtM) will be allowed to play on women's teams,
but only those who have undergone testosterone treatment for at least six months.
All other transgender people will not be allowed to play sports, including recreationally.
Voting Rights
We support the electoral college
and oppose the choice of president by popular vote.
Each state should have its interests weighed against those of the country as a whole.
And why stop at just the U.S. states?
Delegates should also be allocated to countries
in which overseas votes are cast,
with at least three delegates for each country.
An example of how this might play out can be seen below
(Data taken from the
2016 Democratic Pimary).
2016 Democratic Primary Results
Green: Sanders (156 Delegates)
Gold: Clinton (6 Delegates)
We support voter ID.
However, the only accepted for of identification will be a United Nations-issued