In my opinion, the earth should not be destroyed. There are many reasons why I think that. Firstly, if the earth is destroyed, we will have nowhere to live. Secondly, a lot of people like the earth and would be upset if it were destroyed. Thirdly, if the earth were destroyed, other things might get destroyed by mistake. These are the reasons why I think the earth should not be destroyed.
One of the most important reasons why the earth should not be destroyed is that we will not have anywhere to live if it is. Maybe we could live on Mars instead, but many scientists think we will not be able to go to mars for at least ten years. That is why I think we should wait at least that long before we destroy the Earth. Also, Mars is smaller than the Earth, so there will not be room for everyone. We would have to leave some people behind, and they might not like that.
Another reason why I think the Earth should not be destroyed is that a lot of people like it. I asked my parents and brother and sister and friends and classmates and teachers if they liked the earth or not, and most of them said "yes." If most people like something, then it should not be destroyed, in my opinion. I only asked the people I knew, and not everyone on the Earth, so maybe people in other countries and places do not like the Earth so much. But until someone asks everyone, as best we know, most people like the Earth and would not want it to be destroyed.
The last reason why I think the Earth should not be destroyed is that destroying the Earth could cause a lot of other things to be destroyed by mistake. After all, the Earth is pretty big. If it were destroyed, then pieces of it would probably fly in every direction. They could hit things like the moon and satelletines and spaceships, and maybe even other planets. It's one thing to destroy the Earth, but it's another thing entirely to destroy a lot of other things too.
In conclusion, the Earth should not be destroyed. That is because we would not have anywhere to live if it were destroyed. Also, most people would not like the Earth to be destroyed. Finally, other things would get destroyed along with the Earth by mistake. Therefore, the Earth should not be destroyed.